When you return from your trip, you will submit any remaining expenses and all the supporting documentation required by your institution.
- To add new expense lines you can follow the steps outlined on the section Creating your Mission entry
- Remember to request the reimbursement of all remaining expenses.
You should also validate the expense lines to ensure the necessary documentation is attached:
1) To validate an expense line, go to the “Actions” menu on the right side of that line, and choose the option Edit…
2) Click the Files tab on top of the facebox, and attach the relevant documents.
3) Click the General tab on top of the facebox. In some cases you can confirm the document type you have attached.
4) Indicate that you have validated the line, by selecting OK (closed).
5) Click Save.
6) On the Missions table, you can easily see which lines you have already validated.
7) After you validated all the lines, go to the “Actions” menu on the right side of the Mission entry and choose the option Submit (final documents).
From this point, you can no longer edit the Mission and it is now waiting to be closed by the relevant member of your Institution.