If your institution allows reimbursement requests via LabOrders, you can request it by following the steps below.
1) Go to menu Orders > Orders list.
2) Click the Actions button on top of the table and select the New reimbursement (normal) option.
2) Fill in the form according to your institutions instructions.
3) Click Submit and you will be taken to the Orders list.
The reimbursement request will show up in the table and be identified by the symbol .
The request with follow your institutions usual approval workflow.
⭐ Tip: If you would like to see all the requisitions that are reimbursements, you can click the funnel symbol to expand the filter options and apply the correct selection to the Requisition type filter.
Finally, click Search to see the results.
⭐ Tip: If you need to change the type of the requisition, you can do so by editing the Requisition type field.
1) Choose the Edit requisition option from the actions dropdown on the right side of the requisition line.
2) Click the edit symbol for the Requisition type field.
3) Choose the correct option from the dropdown menu and click save.
⚠ Note: Since some of the fields may be different in the new Requisition type, some information could be lost in this conversion.