1) Go to: www.laborders.com
Click on the “Entrar/Login” button.
2) Login using your credentials.
We take security very seriously in LabOrders (we are ISO 27001 certified)
and we remind you not share your credentials with anyone else.
⚠ Note I: During the initial setup only grant/project owners are created. They should all have received an welcoming email.
⚠ Note II: If the define password link in the welcoming in mail has expired, you can still set your password by following the steps in this page.
⚠ Note III: If you do not own any grant (e.g.: lab managers, students), you should ask your PI to add you to LabOrders. When a grant owner adds you to LabOrders you will receive an automated email from the platform.
⚠ Note IV: In some institutions you can use your institution credentials to login to LabOrders. You do this by picking your institution name on the right side of the login dialog.