⚠ Note: Your requisition will be visible by your Institution’s Purchasing Department
only after you approve it!
1) Go to menu Orders > Order list
Click on the “Actions” menu of the requisition you wish to approve and then choose the “Approve” option. Fill in missing fields and submit the form.
2) Your requisition has been successfully approved when the “Status” bar has advanced one step (yellow).
Your requisition is now available to your Institution’s Purchasing Department.
⭐ Tip: The progress bar in the table let’s you quickly check the status of all your orders. Rest your mouse over the “Status” bar and you will see additional information!
⭐ Tip: A red circle simply means that there are fields that are required for the next step (e.g.: Approve) and have not been filled yet. Rest your mouse over the red circle and you will see additional information!