After you have scheduled your vacation days for a given year, you may need to have them approved by your institution. If your institution is using LabOrders to control the approval process you can initiate the approval process with the following simple steps.
1) Go to menu Projects > Vacation Calendar to see your vacation calendar for a given year.
2) To initiate the approval process for the vacations of a given period, click the Request approval button in the desired vacation period (the calendar must say the year corresponding to that period).
⚠ Note: If you do not see this option you will have to talk with your Project Manager or with the HR department of your institution.
Example: If you want to submit an approval request for the year 2024, you should request the approval, you should go to the calendar of the year 2024 and click Request approval
3) You will be taken automatically to the view you can normally get to via Projects > Vacation approvals. The table shows you the list of your vacation approvals requests and their current status.
4) You can monitor the status of your request as it progresses through your institution's approval process from this table.