After activating a grant for the Project Management functionalities, you can have multiple Payment requests associated with that grant.
The guiding principle in LabOrders is that active projects should always have a Payment request in the Open state. When LabOrders is integrated with your institutions accounting software, it will automatically assign any new expenses registered on the project to this open Payment request.
To create a new Payment request:
1) Go to menu Projects> Payment requests.
2) On the top of the page LabOrders will show you a list of active projects that have no open Payment requests.
3) Click on the blue symbol and fill in the information for the new Payment request. Click Submit.
4) The new payment request will be shown in the table.
⭐ Tip: If you want to create a new payment request for a Project that already has an Open plan, you can use the Add payment request button on the top left of the table. You may want to use this, for example, to plan upcoming Payment requests.
Afterwards, you need to synchronize the relevant documents.