If your institution is using the Payment request functionalities in LabOrders, as a project manager, you will be able to:
- Easily monitor the status of all the Payment Requests made to the different funding agencies (Open, In preparation, Submitted, Reimbursed,...)
- Automatically associate new documents with Payment Requests and easily keep track of the executed and paid values in upcoming Payment requests
- Get alerts when a target value has been reached or when a certain date has passed
- Edit the relevant information in LabOrders, and always know who changed what, with the event tracking feature
- Automatically generate the files needed to make the submission to the relevant funding agency
- Register the values received from the funding agency and attach notes or files to each Payment request
You can find the relevant pages in the menu under Projects.
The rest of this section guides you through the Setup and submission of your first Payment Request with LabOrders.
⚠ Note: If you do not see this option and your institution is using these functionalities, your account is probably not configured as a Project Manager account. Please get in touch with our Helpdesk.